Private detective Skibin​

For any modern person it is quite obvious that it is better to trust all your questions and solutions to important tasks exclusively to professionals in their field. Such specialists are the employees of our detective agency in the village of Skibin, Brovarsky district, Kiev region. Already dozens of our customers have seen from their own experience that they can entrust us with both their own lives and the lives of their near and dear ones. That is why it is not accidental that in order for us to work, each employee must have a long-standing practice in law enforcement agencies or other state structures.

Thus, it may seem that your wife has a lover if she suddenly changed her behavior. But the reason for the change in hair style or any other factors in your relationship can be absolutely anything. And you just need to contact us to identify adultery, so that our experts conduct a full investigation and find out the whole truth that is happening in your relationship. It is possible that your wife or your husband is preparing a surprise for you. Or maybe the other half got into some kind of trouble and just does not want to disappoint you. Therefore, until you have the results of a fidelity test in your hands, we recommend that you do not draw any conclusions, and even more so make specific decisions regarding your family.

Information security of your business

However, it is necessary to keep abreast not only in family relationships, but also in those cases when it comes to ensuring the information security of your business. Most often in such situations, we work with clients on an ongoing basis, since it is not enough to search for bugs once and find wiretaps of mobile phones, because wiretaps may appear again. And that means that checking the premises for detecting listening devices should be regular, however, like a polygraph test of all new employees, among which there may be spies introduced into your team by competitors. But naturally, you can order a service for using a lie detector from us at any time if any incident has occurred at your enterprise and it is necessary to identify the culprit.

But if fraudulent actions were committed against you, then you can count on our help not only in the event of an investigation, but also to search for the criminal. After all, we have tremendous experience in tracing people of the most varied complexity. In particular, this also applies to the search for relatives of missing persons. Moreover, we can carry out such events around the world, in which our colleagues in other countries help us a lot. The main thing in such cases is not to waste precious time.

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Detective agency "Private detective Kiev"
Turning to us, you should know that we will make every effort and use all our professional expertise to help you. However, we do not make empty promises to its customers, you are sure to be counseled about the prospects of your business. Working with our customers, we are committed to maintaining privacy. You can contact us incognito.

List of cities served




Bought an apartment and asked the detective agency to check it. It was found that for good reason, this apartment sold crooks. If I bought it, it would have lost money and an apartment, and because the apartment had been prescribed minor children, and in the sale documents were not. Subsequently, the transaction could be invalidated. Thanks to the…

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Thank you, detective, that helped me to find my destiny. Went to Kiev for a holiday town and

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Radchenko Bogdan Olegovich

 Appealed to this detective agency on one issue that requires a solution. This question helped to solve, for which I am very grateful.

Radchenko Bogdan Olegovich , +380968455798 ,

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I turned to the detective agency to help me understand and find the desired data. At the time, I was unable to understand that a large flow of information, which had fallen on me. Specialists have helped unravel this ball of yarn and draw the right conclusions on the information they found. This agency has professional analysts who correctly informed…

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Thank specialist from the detective agency "Private detective Kiev", which gave me a picture to prove my husband's infidelity to me. Now I know my opponent in the face. While her husband did not say anything, I want to see how he will get out

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How to get information about a legal entity

An important role in the success of any entrepreneur is played by how competently and carefully he approaches the choice of his business partners. But by and large, it is also necessary to remain vigilant with respect to those with whom you have been working for a very long time. People can purposefully build self-confidence on your part so that they can later implement their plan without fear of being interrupted.

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How to follow a person?

Even people close to us are far from always being frank with us. In some cases this happens due to the nature of the person, in other situations there may be an intention to hide the truth for one reason or another. But it can also hurt other people.

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How to check a candidate for a job?

Nothing will allow you to get more reliable information about a person than his actions, which will be monitored. After all, a person himself can tell anything about himself. When getting a job, he can provide absolutely any documents. But this is not a guarantee that he really graduated from this or that educational institution.

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List of cities served